marți, 27 ianuarie 2009

Osama. Obama? Your Momma.

It was only natural that I wrote about the big event of the year [so far]. Yes, the US have a new president. Guess what so special about him. He's coloured.
I admit, I never actually thought he'd win, but the American people surprised me[ for once!] and actually elected him. Albeit it's a step forward, electing a president different from all the others in the past [however respectable they were] is just a [national] cry for help. Barack Hussein Obama resresents their lifeline, their hope that something will be different in the future. No one can blame these people for wanting change [Clinton? Bush?!], but I am still mesmerized by the fact that someone with such a profile was elected. [Not that I'm complaining.] He's black, which means I have to nod in approval to the people who voted. His name is Hussein [anyone remeber a guy Saddam a few years back?]Obama [Call me crazy, but dunnit sound like Osama? As in Bil Laden?], but apparently the American people saw through that and picked him over [century-old] McCain [yikes!]. So yes, I'm glad to be able to say [just this once] that I'm happy with how people saw past the heritage and more into his education and behaviour [even though he was not exempt from his fair share of scandals...but whether the scandals will come back as "Watergate Reloaded", only time will tell]. Conclusion: Obama's a pretty dream.
But pleaese-oh-please don't come round telling me he's going to be the one to save the American people ["Once the greatest nation in the world"...a thing to which the economical crisis saw]. Granted, he's not Osama - he pulled out the troops, and brought the change [Yeah, yeah, we know we can!] that needed bringing. He ended something that should have never even been started, and for that I[for one] hold him in respect. But he's not your mother, he's not any sort of divinity and even he can't make the impossible happen - and he won't cradle you in his arms and sing you to sleep. People, you're going to have to help yourselves as well[there's something at the end of your arm which will do most of the job] out of - what is it? - poverty [if that be the case; I'm not looking to offend anyone].

Real conclusion: the new Pres is a much needed breath of fresh air; "bush" is associated with too many malodorous prophanities.

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