vineri, 24 aprilie 2009

A Clockwork Race

We've become cheap about more things than respect. People begin to live mechanically, taking one day after the other like they're never going to end, like we've got nothing left except the monotony of sunrises coming before sunsets. We get out of bed, we pull ourselves together, and walk outside into the fog. How much of yourself do you think you can find in the fog?
And we kid ourselves, we feed on bite-sized chunks of illusion. We go to a movie, we walk in the park, we wear sunglasses and we go shopping. But do those things make us alive? Everyone who's bored simply finds something to do, but does that constitute living? Does that constitute being free?
I wonder where exactly along the way we've lost our clarity of mind, our sheer joy of living. I wonder if we've ever had those. Is the entire human race prone to idleness or is it just the carbon dioxide coming out of the exhaust pipes clouding our judgement? How have we become so attached to our precious monotony that we're content with nothing more, and nothing less but our daily activities?
Why does nobody feel the need to go cliff-diving? Why does nobody feel the urge to smile to people on the street? Why does this fog we're stumbling in make us all reject the possibility that we matter as individuals? Why have we lost the faith in our power to change the world? Why does the vast majority know so little and care even less?

What are we doing with our existences? We've got a limited amount of time on earth, and we're wasting it because we haven't got the nerve to step up and step out of this suffocating cage we call a living. Let's work together, let's shape our cage of human limtations, let's expand its soft aluminium bars. Maybe, one day, someone will even unlock it.
Moreover, it's hard not to hit the "repeat" button in such a world. You lose interest, you lose focus, you lose all feeling except that tiny twinge of fatigue. You're forced by this invisible hand (who demolishes personalities and builds cold politeness) to be a human like the rest. How much more will people hang on to their schedule and bend to the unwritten rules of the system they live in?

So, what time did you say you're waking up tomorrow?

P.S.: "With the moonlight to guide you/Feel the joy of being alive/The day that you stop running/Is the day that you arrive" - Enjoy the Ride, Morcheeba (album: Dive Deep)
P.P.S.: The photo dates back to 1964, and it's University Square in Bucharest.

duminică, 12 aprilie 2009

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, R-E-P-E-N-T

Respect is an abstract concept for people nowadays. We're so cheap when it comes to wasting our unlimited resources that we've forgotten how good we felt when the big R was around. It all starts small, within us. We lose respect for ourselves, for our primordial status as human beings, and for our nature. So, we resort to plastic surgery; we take a beating but tell the doctor we banged our head against the door; we let ourselves be humiliated everyday by someone who is a little less cheap but a little more selfish about his self-respect and who places himself above you in some made-up, inconsistent hierarchy. We become trampled under the feet of our own will to cut back on our expenses. It's all economics, our failure.
From then on, things can only go downhill. Once you've lost respect for yourself - or simply ignored the initial acquirement of some - you've also lost your status as a human being. You are now officially "Lucy"'s daughter, the australopitaecus in original form, and you have bred many species within your race. You might be the Ignorant, you might be the Rude, you might be the Meek, but you're still regressing.
You're still part of a movement you've started somewhere around your stomach. Now you're burping the fumes of self disrespect all over the place, infecting everything. You spit on the street, you throw a wedding on the street and ignore your neighbours' pleas to turn the music down, you seek revenge by slamming a shameful grade in the register next to the name of just another collateral victim.
Slowly, you're turning into a hyena, losing whatever regard you had for all things holy to mankind like honour, culture, kindness, gentleness and - God forbid we forget - cleanliness. You have no respect for neither the dead nor the living. You eat your way to the top of yet another chimera of a hierarchy.
Let's hope against hope that there is hope, that the metaphorical cancer of modernity hasn't spread so wide inside our body. Let's try and be human again, even if it means silly things like not littering and smiling to children on the street.
Let's repent for freedom..., whatever that means.

I wonder what they meant when they said "repent".

We Are One or Stand by Me

Contrary to my other posts debating heavy [right.] problems of today's troubled society, this here post will not be for all brains to understand. I wanted to let my readers out there know that I have found something, something very few people find and even fewer keep. I've found idiots.
I've found the most intelligent people on the planet. I've found dancers and singers, writers, elves and vampires. I've found the world, and I've found love.
When I look at what I've found, I feel as though I'm looking into a mirror. They breather; I breathe, and every movement that they thus make is like one of mine. Every gesture, every sigh, every image, every fight is like my own. I've found mirrors of myself that keep shifting place, I've found independent souls like mine, wandering the earth.
I've come across beauty, I've come across bliss.

But really, I've just come home.

P.S.: Yes, all that concluded after the sleepover. I love you people!