luni, 9 februarie 2009

Grim Reader

Some of you might have already guessed this: I met Grim today. Again.
[It's inevitable, I have to meet him every Monday. Almost.]
He once again shared with us his movie preferences. Happy-happy, joy-joy, I tell you.
He listed [hold on to your hats!] "A Walk to Remember" as one of the movies he thought the most educative. Bien sur, what can be more wonderful than the story of the high school freak who happens to see the light thanks to her fatal disease and who marries the high school it-boy, turning his principles, life and demeanour round?
God forbid we ever admit to having a dark side crept up somewhere in a corner of our souls! The more pink and perky we get, the more bubbly and beatific our personalities are, the more we are headed down the road to perfection...and destruction.
In a world where things might get ugly from time to time, we want the arts to stay as oblivious as possible to the dirt and grime of the city streets. Keeping arts off the streets is our goal. We seem to find refuge in this fantasy universe songs paint, and movies build. But, let's face it, we're only kidding ourselves. We're teaching our minds, souls and bodies to let in only the good, the pure and the marvellous; what we find down the street is so completely and irreversibly different that it makes us close our eyes to everything we deem unfit. We become the judges in a world where the need for patience is spilling over the brim of the cup.
So is it that bad that we sometimes are shown how dark and twisted are our fellow souls inside? It is so bad that we are shown the story of an illiterate German woman who joined the SS only to save her reputation? Is it so horribly wrong that we are shown how, at a complete loss for what to do and too little courage to do what is right, she ended up becoming a murderer? Is it so wrong that she took the entire blame upon herself, being thus landed with a life sentence? "What would you have done?" That is the idea. Under pressure, shame, panic and distress, would you - would anyone else - have saved the people she considered right to lock inside the burning church?
Now that's soul-searching. And that's "The Reader". For all Mandy Moore lovers [I still say she should stick to singing, her acting isn' really all that good] just take a peek at Kate Winslet.
And remember, the Grim Reader is the little voice telling you to stop trying to understand darkness and let yourself be blinded by the light.
Over and out.

P.S.: And, let's face it, "A Walk to Remember" is cheesy.
P.P.S.: I know the story was real. Reality makes a much better example than the movie inspired from it, don't you think?

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