duminică, 15 februarie 2009

A Most "Revolutionary Road"

Okay, so I went to the movies.
I saw "Revolutionary Road" by Sam Mendes, with Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio playing a couple planning to pack up and move to Paris.
All I can say, without much revealing the delicate plot, it that Mr DiCaprio has finally shaken off his "Leo" title. Ageing has proven itself profitable for him as it has for so many actors who find wisdom after their thirtieth anniversary - which kind of makes you hate fate for killing James Dean so young. "Leo" is, my friends, "Leo" no more. He's grown into the great actor we all hoped he was. Let's face it, we all know he blew our minds with "What's eating Gilbert Grape", but it's not like he's done anything as astounding since. But this - this Revolutionary masterpiece - has given former "Leo"-lovers the chance to say "I told you so". He's good, and I'm usually judgemental. He's very good.
Now, for his on-screen-wife, April. Kate Winslet has had a field-year, if I may say so. "The Reader"'s value was mostly of her making, yet she does not dissapoint us in this movie either. She plays the wife-who-wanted-more so superbly, it actually made me rethink my opinion about actresses nowadays. I, for one, am rooting for an Oscar here, because I think she is one of the few valuable people who have stepped foot in Hollywood this century. Call me melodramatic, but she's talented, and there's no argument against that.
Behind the heavy amount of liquor and cigarette smoke Sam Mendes sought fit to decorate the movie with, you will find no happy ending. Nobody's merrier at the end. Weakness and strentgh double back on each other until they creat such chaos you, as a viewer, become confused: are those who live on stronger? It has so many loose ends I wouldn't know where to begin to tie them: the oblivious [or not!] wife, the husband in love with another woman, the husband who calls his wife neurotic for wanting more out of life, the couple who wraps themselves in the blanket of self-appreciation ["We're not like all the others!"] - until they see it's too full of holes to keep them warm. It challenges mediocrity, monotony, hopelessness, endurance - take my word for it, it's a good movie.

"Thus conscience does make cowards of us all."
Or not. Just see the movie.

P.S.: Grim would have hated this with all his heart.
P.P.S.:"We will always have Paris..." [Bad joke, I know.]

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